
来源: HappyNow?! 2017-03-08 05:07:47 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2009 bytes)
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回答: 回首建设青藏铁路老生常谈122017-03-07 20:10:25

Across the oceans across the seas,
Over forests of blackened trees.
Through valleys so still we dare not breathe,
To be by your side.

Over the shifting desert plains,
Across mountains all in flames.
Through howling winds and driving rains,
To be by your side.

Every mile and every year,
For everyone a little tear.
I cannot explain this, dear,
I will not even try.

Into the night as the stars collide,
Across the borders that divide
Forests of stone standing petrified,
To be by your side.

Every mile and every year,
For every one a single tear,
I cannot explain this, dear,
I will not even try.

For I know one thing,
Love comes on a wing,
For tonight I will be by your side,
But tomorrow I will fly.

From the deepest ocean to the highest peak,
Through the frontiers of your sleep.
Into the valley where we dare not speak,
To be by your side.
Across the endless wilderness,
Where all the beasts bow down their heads.
Darling, I will never rest
Till I am by your side.

Every mile and every year,
Time and distance disappear
I cannot explain this, dear no,
I will not even try.

And I know just one thing,
Love comes on a wing
And tonight I will be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly away,
Love rises with the day
And tonight I may be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly, tomorrow I will fly,
Tomorrow I will fly.



前30年艰苦创业,后30年飞跃发展,这里某些人只看到前30年的艰苦,而否认前30年的创业。 -白云蓝天- 给 白云蓝天 发送悄悄话 白云蓝天 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/08/2017 postreply 11:34:25
