
来源: 红灯记 2007-02-07 08:51:33 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (583 bytes)
回答: 你一副小太监样子。洞若观火2007-02-06 20:59:02
I read the 回忆录,did not see any 《回忆录》中大量的港台政治用语习惯!

How do you know 中南海办事程序? Had you worked in 中南海三十多年? If you had, why you did not write a book about 中南海办事程序? Let erveybody know, how it works(中南海办事程序)?

Tien Cha-ying, Yep Chi-lung, Hsu Yep-fu, and Chang Yu-feng were members of the group one. Dr Li was a member of the group one too! Did you forget this!

I believe that you never read the 回忆录! Instead of the 回忆录, you read all kind of Chinese Communist Party's brainwash materials against Dr Li's 回忆录!


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