关于Lemon Car

来源: 2024-01-20 09:20:19 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

2023二月底购入Tesla Y新车(加州),大概两三个月后,开车时显示屏会突然出现notifications: vehicle may not restart, service is required。去了Tesla Service Center六次,没有修好。我在9月filed a dispute, 10月收到并同意仲裁结果: Repurchase。按照CDSP(California Dispute Settlement Program)条款:"if the consumer accepts it, the manufacturer must perform the arbitrator's decision within 30 days of the consumer's acceptance of the arbitrator's decision." 但是已经三个月了,Tesla 根本不理。我联系了CDSP好几次,得到的回复都是:The decision is binding on the manufacturer. CDSP monitors compliance and we do not have jurisdiction to penalize the manufacturer for delays encountered; however, we will continue to request updates regarding the compliance delay.  

请问:1. 我还可以继续开这车吗?不然我和我先生要共用一辆车。2. 我继续这样茫然地等呢还是仍然要找律师?谢谢!!!