
来源: 2023-01-05 03:59:11 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

上次发帖曾说新租的房子PM让我交清洁费用。交了费用后,大概圣诞前一天,我感到他可能做了清洁,因为这个人一直表现的挺nice,我生了贪便宜的心,写邮件问他:最早什么时候可以入住?其实是希望能尽早入住,大概惹怒了这个人,他回信说:最早1月5日。我当时以为他说气话,就没再回复。因为lease上写的move in时间是12月30日,我以为邮件上的不算数,应该以lease为准。





How are you doing? The lady who would rent my current apartment will move in tomorrow. So I will move to somewhere today or tomorrow. I’d quit the lease of Salisbury apartment because I believe you broke it first. You needn’t to return the money of cleaning. You also can keep $200 as any services you had provided. You may send the rest to my Zelle account : xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thanks!

Best regards.



Hi, PM,

Good evening. I hope my email didn't offend you this afternoon. You mentioned I could move in on Jan 5th or tomorrow. And because you didn't reply any of my emails recently, I'd suppose you terminate the lease out of some consideration if I cannot get the access to apartment tomorrow. I will respect any of your decisions. 

If you would terminate the lease, if you could get a new tenant who would pay the cleaning, you may return the payment I made, otherwise, you needn't return it to me.

And I'd pay $200 for any work you did during the rental process. You may return the rest of one month rent and security deposit to my Zelle account: xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxxxx@gmail.com.

If you have any question or update, please let me know.

Thanks and best regards.



我想问,我的这两封邮件,是不是属于我先break lease了?谢谢!
