according to HUD, you are discriminated by your property manager

来源: 2017-01-24 20:16:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1. your medical treatment (no matter burn or heat) is necessary for your health! as far as your herb smells will not make your 邻居 sick (if sick, they need to provide doctor notes and mention the reason of their illness is herb smell), let them complain as much as they want! 

2. your property manager have no rights to terminate your lease earlier for your medical treatment as far as you pay your each month rent on time!

3. if there is CIVIL RIGHTS office in your city - I beliver each city in US has one, go there, file a discrimination complaint against your property manager and your 邻居. Like this, your property manager and your 邻居, will 吃不了,兜着走!

 for more information about civil rights complaint, you can give me 悄悄话!