邻居投诉租客生产毒品, 紧急求助

来源: 2014-05-20 00:06:59 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

制作毒品的活动。我网上查了下我必须采取措施, 不然我会有法律责任。我现在不清

楚我应该怎么做,希望能马上把他赶走, 但是如果他不承认有这样的行为我该怎么办

? 另外, 我前面3周在国内, 昨天刚刚回美。 这个房客前面几个月一直不按时交租

, 我昨天查了下, 发现他本月的还没交, 所以发邮件(电话一直不接的)给他, 问

他什么时候交。 他回复说10号左右给了我很多短信, 说我们的地板很容易弄脏,边角

也没有 "seal", 所以他需要“put a seal coat on", 不然很容易弄脏, 不容易打扫

, 地面容易弄坏 (我们一层的地面都是石砖)。 因为没等到我回复 (我在国内, 

没法收到他短信)所以他自己找人弄了, 话费是$1700. 我马上回复说 他不应该在我

没有同意的情况下自己做主修改我的房子, 另外这个也不能成为他不交房租的理由。 

他回复说他一般小打小闹的都自己修理了, 只是这个比较大, 而且很影响他生活,给

我发了很多短信没回复, 所以自己弄了。 下面是邻居给我的邮件:

To whom it may concern: 

I would like to inform you, before I take further actions that your tenants 

at (address xxxxxxx) are committing illegal activities out of your home. I 

have witnessed numerous times drug related activities out of the home. I 

have came to the conclusion that your tenant SAFIULLAH Zxxxxxxx is using 

your home to develop marijuana inside of the garage. I advise to give your 

tenant a 24 hour notice to enter the premises, and do a walk-thru of the 

garage. I have also researched on tenants name, and found serious drug 

relating arrests. I have witnessed multiple suspicious activity coming in 

and out of the house, and the distinct smell of marijuana all throughout the

nights. I as a concerned neighbor wanted to reach out to you as a land lord

before I seek legal advice, and reach out towards our local police 

department or DEA. You as a land lord should consider background checks 

before providing a property to a possible tenant. I am only emailing you, 

because I am HIGHLY concerned for the safety of my family and I. If you don'

t not take further actions, I will be forced to take matters into my own 

hands and contact my attorney, and local Police Station. 

Please for the safety of my family I would like for this letter to remain 

private and anonymous. I only ask for you as the landlord to contact our 

local law enforcement agency, so that our neighborhood remains a safe 

environment for my children and I. I have lost plenty hours of sleep due to 

distress of living near a crime house. I do not feel safe at my home anymore

due to your tenants, and would expect eviction ASAP!

Below is multiple links I'd like for you to identify as your tenant:
