New Orleans 的Mardi Gra?

Yes I have been there with couple of American friends. Most Asians I met there were just kind of intimitated and stand on side as a visitor. That's not fun. You have to participate to have fun.

Buy lots of beads before you go there. Once you are there in French quater, keep drinking until you lose yourself and then talk to any woman that catches your eye. Wave your beads in front of her, if she wants it, ask her to show "your tits" or have a naked picture with you. If you have really good beads (not the 10 cents one. I bought $100 worth of them before the trip, some of them are worth $5 a piece on Bourbon st.), girls will approach you and do whatever, like take off their pants, kiss you, etc. to get them.

Word of caution, do get drunk, always have a friend or friends with you, never expose yourself if you are male or get arrested.


"get drunk".I reckon that's a -hehe~- 给 hehe~ 发送悄悄话 (14 bytes) () 02/09/2004 postreply 11:20:09

回复:"get drunk".I reckon that's a -Wildtime- 给 Wildtime 发送悄悄话 (52 bytes) () 02/10/2004 postreply 09:23:56
