Super-duper hunter supermoon !
感谢艾茶为唱坛带来那么多快乐,愿你《Dancing in the Moonlight》,同尘和光,心无烦恼,日日快乐!
昨天早上的广播就提到了今天的不同寻常的hunter moon, 我没有当回事,一直到国内的朋友发给我上海外滩的full moon 照片,晚上特意从安静的小溪边和树林旁散步,看到了这轮光辉夺目的超级明月supermoon。正好这几天我们家弟弟给我听听了heart ‘00 音乐电台的节目,有放20多年前听的dance in the moonlight,非常应景这super moon!
为什么叫supermoon?一年一般有四次moon离地球比较近,看起来比较大和圆,所以称为supermoon。月亮绕地球的轨道是椭圆形的,月亮在椭圆轨道离地球最远大约252,088 miles (405,696 km),昨天星期四是最近,222,055 miles (357,363km),所以hunter supermoon 是14% 大 and 30% 亮于平时的满月。不过我的手机照不出那个特别的效果,只好盗图BBC的。感叹于高科技给我们带来的眼福,想想从前的我们forage的 祖先们,在这样一个月光明媚的晚上打野猪,野鹿,和别的动物,囤积过冬的猎物,他们会有时间和心情来看这绝伦无比的月亮吗?下一个super moon, 是在11月中,叫Beaver Moon, 感兴趣的友友们注意看啊。
Dance in the moonlight
By Toploader
We get it on most every night,when that moon is big and bright,
its a supernatural delight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight。
everybody here is out of sight, they dont bark and they dont bite,
they keep things loose they keep it tight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight。
dancing in the moonlight,everybody’s feeling warm and bright,
its such a fine and natural sight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight。
We like our fun and we never fight,you cant dance and stay uptight,
its a supernatural delight,everybody was dancing in the moonlight。
dancing in the moonlight,everybody’s feeling warm and bright。
its such a fine and natural sight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight。
we get in on most every night,and when that moon is big and bright
its a supernatural delight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight。
dancing in the moonlight,everybody's feeling warm and bright,
its such a fine and natural sight,everybody's dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight,everybody’s feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight,everybody’s dancing in the moonlight (repeat)