1. 拍拖期间去男友家,伯母面如满月,很热情,为了答谢 我夸了一句 “阿姨长得像唐代仕女!”。。。好在她没计较,之后多年,老公提起来就笑
2. 第一次去澳门旅游 吃到鱼蛋 惊为天人!咂嘴之余说“将来找不到工作 就去做鱼蛋妹”!众人大惊后大笑(此处是粤语cultural shock 例子)
3. 移民后 第一次有心想买房 给经纪人打电话 人问“想看哪个价位的房屋?”,我答: "Around twenty thousands!" 对方沉默 挂了电话。。。天地良心,加拿大就没有二十万的房子么?(此处英语老师哭晕在厕)
4. 疫情期间首次尝试种菜,网上买的种子,品种繁多,施肥浇水搭架子不亦乐乎。结果杂草与庄稼都蓬勃,相当迷惑,无奈之下下载了一个植物辨认软件,边认边摘,总算凑齐一盘!
"One Of Us" /Joan Osborne
If God had a name, what would it be?
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with Him in all His glory?
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us?
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home?
If God had a face, what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like Heaven and in Jesus and the saints
And all the prophets? And...
Yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home?
Tryin' to make His way home
Back up to Heaven all alone
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope, maybe, in Rome
Yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home?
Just tryin' to make His way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to Heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make His way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope, maybe, in Rome