不是为了赶坛庆末班车, 不会把反差如此大的两样东西混搭到一块的哈哈!
第一段是跟风“浅议葫芦丝”歌友的现代京剧!这首“穷人的孩子早当家”神曲当年风靡的状况我们这一代人亲历过, 不是这段戏或者那八大戏出了什么问题, 说真的是传统京剧艺术与现代题材结合的典范, 又有经历过民国教育的创作者的加持,每一段拿出来都可算是上乘之作, 但是全国就只这八个戏就是问题了!
几年前对京剧感兴趣, 被几位戏友拉下水, 靠的就是这段“投名状”, 不过, 厚颜地说, 现在感觉比那时进步太多了! 这是我第一次不从李玉和与样板戏, 而是从京剧老生(谢谢诺福克确认!)的角度来感受这一段。 (想起秦琼诸葛亮谁的。) 样板戏之所以精彩就是因为它根植于传统京剧的土壤。 但那个时代绝不值得回顾!
第二首,上一次诺福克友友提到卡朋特的歌, 特此奉上刚刚录好的 Yesterday Once More, 原来一直以为这首经典张口就来的, 现在才发现这其实是卡朋特最难的歌之一, 气息要求高, 而且歌词有几句我一直没吃透, 今天可着嗓子唱了这首,希望没有埋汰了卡朋特的这首神曲就好!
When I was young
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
It made me smile.
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.
Lookin' back on how it was
In years gone by
And the good times that I had
Makes today seem rather sad
So much has changed.
It was songs of love that
I would sing to then
And I'd memorize each word
Those old melodies
Still sound so good to me
As they melt the years away.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
All my best memories
Come back clearly to me
Some can even make me cry.
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.