【吐槽大会】《Yellow/流星》~ 弹唱

来源: 2023-04-09 11:59:34 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

摄于2018年 Roy Thomson Hall

Life is good,没什么可吐槽的,酸甜苦辣都是人生经历;吐槽一下坛里曾经的牛鬼蛇神们怎么都潜水了?春天来了,该出来冒泡啦哈哈


Coldplay的《Yellow》 大名鼎鼎,郑钧中文填词改版为《流星》,以前两首单独唱过,这次把两首hybrid在一起试试加油


Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all Yellow.

I came along,

I wrote a song for you,

And all the things you do,

And it was called Yellow.

So then I took my turn,

Oh what a thing to have done,

And it was all Yellow.

Your skin

Oh yeah, your skin and bones,

Turn into something beautiful,

You know, you know I love you so,

You know I love you so.

我纵身跳 跳进你的河流

一直游到尽头 那里多自由

我许个愿 我许个愿保佑







It's true,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine.

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And all the things that you do
