【一路有你】 PG13 《Someone You Loved》2018 AP / Lewis Capaldi

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同未二试, 谢谢 苏格兰歌星Lewis, tonight 使这首伤情歌加点喜气Ha ha


Someone You Loved

Lewis Capaldi

[Verse 1]
I'm going under, and this time, I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to hear, somebody to know
Somebody to have, somebody to hold
It's easy to say, but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Now, the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to get me through it all
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
[Verse 2]
I'm going under, and this time, I fear there's no one to turn to
This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you
Now, I need somebody to know, somebody to hear
Somebody to have, just to know how it feels
It's easy to say, but it's never the same
I guess I kinda like the way you help me escape

Now, the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to get me through it all
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes
I fall into your arms
I'll be safe in your sound till I come back around

For now, the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to get me through it all
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
But now the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to get me through it all
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved


沙发!喜欢的歌,有创意! -若初坐看云起- 给 若初坐看云起 发送悄悄话 若初坐看云起 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 19:05:49

谢谢若初,添些乐趣。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:11:00

爱曲凳子!赞尽兴的演唱! -才歌- 给 才歌 发送悄悄话 才歌 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 19:10:49

高兴是唱歌目的之一:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:11:00

非常潇洒的演唱,尽情尽兴,赞的! -老乔治- 给 老乔治 发送悄悄话 老乔治 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 19:11:00

虽然高音不过小伙子,做好绿叶也光荣:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:12:00

经典好歌!阿派兄的英文发音很不错,演唱风格别具一格,赞创意好唱! -蜀风雅韵- 给 蜀风雅韵 发送悄悄话 蜀风雅韵 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:03:20

一次随意的搭配,谢谢蜀风听歌。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:14:00

AP好尝试,很好听 -鹿林- 给 鹿林 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:07:36

学苏格兰语还差点,所以低调点,谢谢! -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:15:00

派歌越玩越复杂,赞好唱! -一荷- 给 一荷 发送悄悄话 一荷 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:08:18

喜欢从研究作品开始,比如这歌不是写失恋的,所以可以开??一点:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:17:00

歌唱小品呀!厉害了! -唵啊吽- 给 唵啊吽 发送悄悄话 唵啊吽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 20:23:12

哈哈,谢谢 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:35:00

这是音乐剧吗?牛人。 -hot_powerz- 给 hot_powerz 发送悄悄话 hot_powerz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:16:34

另类唱歌:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:36:00

音乐剧的感觉,多才多艺的歌手,起立鼓掌 -晚亭歌- 给 晚亭歌 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:30:41

娱乐而已,谢谢。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:37:00

哇, 阿普哥又出新的音乐形式啦! 妥妥音乐剧的感觉,多才多艺的阿普哥。 --疏桐儿-- 给 -疏桐儿- 发送悄悄话 -疏桐儿- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 21:44:54

谢谢桐儿。要连吃三顿ab也腻,所以换个口味, 今上西班牙龙虾放 - :) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 05:48:00

Ap兄英文歌味道不错 尽兴好唱!独具风格! -wxy431- 给 wxy431 发送悄悄话 wxy431 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2022 postreply 22:53:47

谢谢斜阳,你也喜欢合唱滴。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 05:49:00

潇洒的歌声,很炫,好听!音乐剧! -碧蓝天- 给 碧蓝天 发送悄悄话 碧蓝天 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 04:08:21

不到三分钟,点到为止,谢谢听歌。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 05:49:00

很有趣味,潇洒自如,赞! -雅歌1- 给 雅歌1 发送悄悄话 雅歌1 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 04:58:16

谢谢老师 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 05:50:00

不同的味道,很炫很酷,酷炫酷炫的,好听! -Timeaway- 给 Timeaway 发送悄悄话 Timeaway 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 06:07:27

跟他唱歌代沟太宽了,只好玩花样-:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:52:00

非常喜欢的一首歌!哈哈,A兄找的底版太好玩,听出了相声的感觉!~~ -无问东西- 给 无问东西 发送悄悄话 无问东西 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 07:36:09

学不到他的whisky 味道,只好与他玩玩。谢谢无兄。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:54:00

哈哈哈,好好玩 ;)) -moiausis- 给 moiausis 发送悄悄话 moiausis 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 07:52:18

俺一看他长相,就一喜剧人物。要在中国他演小品了:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:55:00

一逗一捧,你最会绑了哈哈 -唐歌- 给 唐歌 发送悄悄话 唐歌 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 08:46:15

我开头还要改改,也是让他难堪:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:57:00

哈哈好玩,我以为第一句是你呢,把我惊一跳 :D -魔幻水晶- 给 魔幻水晶 发送悄悄话 魔幻水晶 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 09:59:02

要喝一瓶whisky也许有那奇妙的声音。 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:59:00

有个性 -偶尔发膘- 给 偶尔发膘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 10:04:58

谢谢 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 12:01:00

哈哈哈哈这个好玩:DDDD。。。。 -Maddux- 给 Maddux 发送悄悄话 Maddux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:21:18

这歌写关于他姥姥,可能最善良的亲戚,对她开开玩笑之类也不过分:) -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 12:04:00

有创意!新式绑架版! -梦里水乡2019- 给 梦里水乡2019 发送悄悄话 梦里水乡2019 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 11:54:57

谢谢水乡 -AP33912- 给 AP33912 发送悄悄话 AP33912 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 12:05:00

AP兄创意无限啊,太会玩了! -星有林夕一点懵- 给 星有林夕一点懵 发送悄悄话 星有林夕一点懵 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 15:31:31

非常有创意,有趣,牛! -diandi- 给 diandi 发送悄悄话 diandi 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2022 postreply 18:23:47
