【人人原创】枫林晓/微雨 《A Night Crawler Got Lost in The Black-out Town》

来源: 2022-05-28 16:13:37 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


这些年来我至少唱了50多首原创歌曲,可是从来没有自己创作过。前几天怯怯地问了一下枫老师可不可以把他的音乐进行大切割后作我的歌曲背景音乐(类似伴奏),没想到枫老师坦然一句“你随便玩儿”, 哈哈哈,这下子给了我太大的勇气了!来来回回折腾了几天,枫老师听完我的创作后竟说有百老汇音乐剧的风范,艾玛,把我开心的不知道自己的究竟是谁了(大家知道这就是往大里夸得mp), 哈哈哈。但我知道这真是给了我很大的鼓励和动力。再次感谢枫老师!

网上找来了Night Crawler的一些视频, 剪辑编辑后成了我第一个《暗黑》半原创作品。谢谢大家听歌观看视频,并欢迎留下你珍贵的建议和帮助。

《A Night Crawler Got Lost in The Black-out Town》



How can I got lost
in the city's night?
I am a crawler 
in the city's night!
I used to hunt
only for fresh blood
But I got lost tonight
In this black-out town

Suddenly I smell blood
no so far away
I am a crawler 
they are human
Lick the blood, lick the blood 
But something is wrong
It is a trap, it's a trap.
In this black-out town  


How can I got lost
in the city's night?
I am a crawler 
in the city's night!
I used to hunt
only for fresh blood
But I got lost tonight
In this black-out town

Suddenly I smell blood
no so far away
I am a crawler 
they are human
Lick the blood, lick the blood 
But something is wrong
It is a trap, it's a trap.
In this black-out town  

It is a trap, it's a trap.
In this black-out town  



