【爱在母亲节】暖场:Tough love 后妈茶话会

来源: 2022-04-29 16:42:12 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

后妈也是妈不是嘛,虽然迪士尼里的后妈个个都是面目狰狞,但对自己亲生的还是很好的。其实,现实生活中也有很多非常好的后妈。嘻嘻 话说自从闺女开始上学需要辅导数学作业,那自然就变成了我的任务。孩子在西方娇生惯养长大的,很简单的作业教一遍不会,两遍不会,我有时嗓门就会提高“一点点”。然后闺女就在这边梨花带雨,LD在那边虎视眈眈地监视着我,生怕我这个“后妈”欺负他闺女了,唉,当妈容易嘛 ;))

鉴于某位同学没有看懂,我必须站出来澄清一下,闺女是亲生的!虽然她一哭,她24孝老爹就急得跳 ;))

这首歌本来完全不用加文字的,就想给大家看看30个字是多么容易就做到了 加油


Tough Love (The Villains Lair)

Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed
I must find the way to power through a noble brow
I married once for love, then my sences came
I must marry for the stature of my husband's name
Onto marriage number two
I knew what I had to do
And my poor husband fell ill in a year or two
Solved problem number one, now to problem number two
His doe-eyed little girl with gentle point of view
Would I ship her off to school?
No! I told her if she stayed that she'd have
To earn her keep and so she became the maid
She was lazy
She was crazy
She was talking to the mice
She was hopelessly naive, so she had to pay the price
I moved her to the attic out of sight and out of mind
I could have thrown her out, but I'm benevolent and kind
Mother, your heart's too big for you
I knew what I had to do
After all, difficult children will take advantage of your good nature
So you lock them up from away the key
There's one on every family tree
Vile too, the things she put you through
Break their spirit so they obey
Now they'll do anything you say
Maybe you'd call it cruel but others would call it love
Tough love