fight the virus!

来源: 2020-02-02 12:21:31 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


老公大病初愈这几天又连续开会,声音都是嘶哑的,坚持唱了这首fight the virus,听不下去的同学可以直接从3分3秒开始听,


       fight the virus

hello virus from wuhan

Another problem’ here again 

Because you see the contagion  creeping

Under the virus is indeed spreading

And  the memory

Off SARS  planned in my brain

Still remains 

We stand and fight the virus

We here of the theories how it crew

From snakes and bats became a flu

Passing the sickness from man to man

Now it’s growing getting out of hand

It’s a virus that has travelled near and far


We have to fight the virus

And in the latest news I saw

Ten thousands people maybe more

People are following sick with Much coughing

People Falling ill with much sneezing

People worried for

Their health and their ones so dear


We keep the fight the virus

Keep your hands clean always know

Hygiene will stop that virus grow 

When you sneeze cover with a tissue

Even coughing just let me teach you

We are a mask if you are sick

So that others won’t get it too 

We count on you

To help to fight the virus

Together we must overcome

To beat  this virus fight as one

For the life of health  and harmony

It ‘s in our hands it’s up to you and me

For the house of our land

Of our friends and family


We will win this fight the virus


Alivin Oon