愿友谊地久天长:Fly me to the moon -- vanchael

来源: 2012-01-10 07:18:36 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

从凤凰城回来已经一个多礼拜了,亚利桑那的美景固然让我们全家流连忘返,而过去这一个月先后在悉尼和彪马把酒言欢,然后再和我爱微风唱歌聊天、一起渡过圣诞夜和新年夜更是让人难以忘怀。在这里想特别感谢彪马老大,微风大哥及大嫂的热情招待,送上一首今天下午录制的 Fly me to the moon ,希望你们喜欢--愿大家友谊地久天长。 也祝愿唱坛的兄弟姐妹新年快乐,健康快乐! Fly me to the moon Lyrics: Poets often use many words to say a simple thing! It takes thought and time and rhyme...To make a poem sing... With music and words I've been playing For you I've written a song... To be sure that you know what I'm singing I'll translate as I go along... Fly me to the moon and Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby kiss me Fill my heart with song and Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I cherish and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you