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这是一封代表中国人民的抗议书。作为普通中国公民, 我们被迫向韩国政府和人民就最近发生的一系列不友好和不文明的行为表达我们最强烈的愤怒和关注。这些严重伤害中国人民感情的事件包括:韩国某些学者向联合国申请中国汉字作为文化遗产,在东海有争议领土的单方面的挑衅性活动和一系列侮辱性事件。这些事件涉及到贵国政府和民间的人士。
我们对韩国政府和人民的期望是希望看到一种对这些有害双边关系发展的行径的诚恳的检讨。我们不仅是从中国的利益的角度作这种要求,同时也是从贵国的利益出发。历史从来不乏由于愚蠢的极端民族主义酿成的灾难,当前的经济和政治因素是:韩国需要中国胜过中国需要韩国,众所周知贵国的经济是高度出口依赖性的,而中国市场更占了贵国海外市场的40%,你们的企业正在在各个经济领域受到来自中国对手的挑战,在所有这些领域我们必须承认韩国并不具有绝对的优势,即便是有,也在其中国对手的令世人瞩目的高发展率下逐渐丧失。什么绝对优势能保证韩国企业能在中国市场上生存?还有多少人会对你们的无论在价格和质量上都不具优势的工业产品感兴趣?更不用说那些充满了乏味情节和粗制滥造的娱乐产品? 很明显的是,一个愤怒并反韩的中国将是贵国经济的一个恶梦。如果全体中国人开始抵制韩国的汽车,电器和娱乐产品,想象一下贵国企业将遭受的损失。因此韩国应该对中国人民表现出应有的尊重并对自己的行为负责,这是一个健康的双边关系的基础。很明显贵国的这一系列不友好和不文明的行为不仅有违于国际交往之惯例而且也有害于贵国的国家利益。

Your Excellency:
This letter is to serve as a protest on behalf of the Chinese people to the ROK government and people. As ordinary Chinese citizens, we are compelled to express our deepest concern and anger to the unfriendly and uncivilized conducts by Korean government and some individuals. Among the events that are hurting Chinese people’s feeling are, most notably, the recent Korean scholar’s claim at UN for cultural heritage of the Chinese characters, unilaterally provocative activities on the North sea territories disputed between ROK and China, and various other humiliating incidents either by commercial entities or individuals of your country.
As close neighbors in Eastern Asia, China and Korea had a long history of friendship and cooperation. A publicly acknowledged fact is that Korea had benefited greatly from the cultural and political influences of China during the past 2000 years. There exists such a historical linkage between the two countries that a thorough and authentic Korean history would not have been possible had there not been the substances quoted from the footnotes of Chinese chronicles. This is a universally accepted fact that even most Korean scholars would not disagree. In the ancient history China had twice defended Korean dynasties from the invasions of Japan, one in the 6th century and later in the Ming dynasty of 16th century. The provisional government of ROK would not have come into being had there not been the consistent and magnanimous supports from the Chinese nationalist government and its people during the darkest days of WWII. Unfortunately, today we have witnessed a trend of revising history to make it compatible to an agenda of ultra nationalism and economic interest among the academics, commercial entertainment industry and many other sectors of your country. A good example would be the renaming your capital from “Han Cheng” to “Shou Er”. As an independent sovereign nation, ROK certainly has the right to name or rename its capital, yet we must admit that this act is rather obtuse in historical sense because it has produced a result that is exactly what you do not want to see. Now by changing the name of your capital from “Han Cheng”, a name of definite Chinese origin, to “Shou Er” or Seoul, which is ironically also of Chinese origin, did it inadvertently imply that the names were after all from China? In other words, an attempt aimed at “de-Sinolization” backfired as a sonorous proclamation of Chinese cultural influence. Indeed nothing could be more ironic and sad. A great nation and people should have the courage and confidence to face its history, however sad or unfortunate it may be. What is equally outrageous and preposterous are the incidents regarding the shameless claims made by Korean scholars of various cultural heritages of definite Chinese origins, including the Han Zhi Characters, traditional medicine, and folklores and many more. The absurdity surrounded these events makes people to wonder: what is the problem with Korean? Had they suffered from serious trauma which induced them to behave and think in such an effrontery as this? Is it logically to assume that anything with great value, regardless of its origin, must be, without exception, the lofty invention of the great and superior Korean race?
In the modern history, like China, Korea had suffered great humiliations first by the brutal colonization of the Japanese imperialism, and then from the devastated havoc of Korean War. Republic of Korea was not an independent nation up till the end of WWII. With the opportunity offered by cold war, your country had for the first time a chance to enjoy national sovereignty and to expect a life of peace and prosperity. We have to acknowledge that your people had achieved impressively during this period which laid the foundation of what today you are so proud of, or the “Korean miracle”. Consequently there emerges an atmosphere of arrogant and revenging sentiment prevailing among your people who are for the first time in the modern history having a chance of being deemed as the people of “developed nations”, instead of second class citizens oppressed by the Japanese or Western powers. Sadly but truly this vengeful sentiment of your people has now fermented into a hazardous sourness which is characterized by both self centered arrogance and inferiority complex. We must point out; however, serious inferiority complex as suffered by some of your countrymen could not be cured by fabricated histories or lies because they would inevitably come back to haunt you as a mockery to demonstrate how weak and desperate you really are.
Despite the hysterical propaganda and image build up orchestrated either by governmental forces or private sectors, we must say that, based on what people have witnessed, your country has yet to be qualified as a truly “developed nation”, a notion that your government and people are so desperately promoting to people to buy into. It is publicly acknowledged that Korea is a nation that does not respect international trade regulations, lacking of fairness in sports, encouraging racial and gender discrimination, and violating intellectual property rights.
Korea is sadly acting like what Japan was at the turn of the 20th century, demanding a respect and an acknowledgement of global importance that have been denied thus far because of the geopolitical disadvantage. Consciously or subconsciously, your country is imitating Japan in the way you treat China and Chinese people to whom you think you are culturally and racially superior. On the other hand, you have this unreasoning fear and concern of the ultimate consequences of the development of this economic and political giant. This explains well your people’s frequent irrational and quick switching sentiment which on the one hand superficially shows friendly gestures to China because of its economic potential, and on the other, the hidden and pathological contempt of the Chinese people because of the temporary backward situation China is in today.
We would like to get your attention that China is not what it used to be or what you people think it is. China has gradually developed into a power of global influence, and will, with the effort of its hard working and peace loving people, regain the glorious leading position in the world community. It is therefore extremely unwise to assume China as an economic colony of yours or any powers, for China’s economy has steadily transformed into a gigantic power that Korea is in no means to match both in scale and scope. Yet even with this certain promising prospective, China is nothing to be feared for, because her long history and cultural tradition have proven it being a peace loving and benevolent power for the prosperity and stability of the Eastern Asia and the world as a whole.
Our expectation for Korean government and its people is to see a sincere self introspection of what you people have done that is inappropriate and destructive to the bilateral relationship between two nations. We are not only urging for the sheer interest of the Chinese people but for your people as well. History is in no shortage of the examples of what disastrous effects could be resulted from a foolish ultra nationalistic mentality such as yours in the international affairs. When it comes to political and economic interest, Korea today needs China more than China needs Korea. As you may well know that your country’s economy is highly export dependent, and China accounts 40% of your oversea market. Your companies are facing serious challenges from their Chinese rivals in almost all economic spectrums, and in most of these fields, we must admit that Korea seldom holds any absolute competitive advantages. Even there be some, they are gradually eroding away as its Chinese rivals bewilder the world with their astonishing growth rates. What will be the unrivaled cutting edges of Korean made products to survive in a market like China? How many people will still be interested in your not so advanced industrial goods, both in terms of price and quality, and those entertainment products which are full of humdrum plots and botches? Quite obviously, an irritating and anti Korea China is nothing but a nightmare to your economy. Imagine what will be the loss in profit to your companies if all Chinese people start boycotting Korean made cars, electronics, and entertainment products? Korea therefore should show the due respect and act responsibly to Chinese people in order to gain trust which is essential to a healthy bilateral relationship between the two countries and people. Explicitly, the unfriendly and uncivilized incidents for which your government and people are solely responsible are not only unacceptable by the virtue of international protocols but also harmful to your national interest.
We once again would like to remind you that Chinese people are determined and respectful people who are ready at all time to defend its national interest and dignity to the very last resort. Chinese people have no intention of being one’s enemy, yet if you force them to be one of yours, you shall have the most formidable one ever in the history! We hope you are not, like someone in the past, who had repeatedly underestimated that determination.


拜托,别动不动就代表中国人民发言 -Luftstaglag13- 给 Luftstaglag13 发送悄悄话 (266 bytes) () 04/07/2009 postreply 14:52:48

拜托,别动不动就 It ain't gonna work, it won't work, either -xinliji- 给 xinliji 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2009 postreply 14:24:54

年轻·有才气!但我觉得中国跟韩国·越南这种国家过多纠缠根本就毫无意义。 -潜水5年- 给 潜水5年 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2009 postreply 06:05:20

回复:这是一封代表中国人民的抗议书。 -还真楼主- 给 还真楼主 发送悄悄话 (122 bytes) () 04/17/2009 postreply 18:48:17

跟GCD学的,动不动就代表人民, 实际上连张选票都不敢给 -waitGC- 给 waitGC 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/18/2009 postreply 19:24:57

沉默是最高的蔑视。韩人这类民族犯不着和他们一般见识,抗议个鸟。 -Cyberbloke- 给 Cyberbloke 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 03:23:04



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