



by moonflower7 (teddybearmom)

As parents and teachers, we do our best to nurture our children. We teach them good values, guide them in the right directions when they make mistakes; we protect them from all harms before they are mature enough to protect themselves. To shield young children from inappropriate contents on TV, many parents have used the parental control features on their remote control. Initially, I thought ABC is a family friendly TV channel whose contents do not need to be monitored, but the Jimmy Kimmel's "Kid's round table" show on Oct 16 proved me wrong.

In response to the question on how to pay back our debts to other nations, a 6 year old boy proposed the idea of "Killing everyone in China". Mr. Kimmel chuckled at the answer and made the comment that this was an "interesting idea". After leading the young guests to a debate on the feasibility of using mass murder as a problem solving strategy, Mr. Kimmel further asked the kids in the show "Should we allow the Chinese to live?”, to which he got mixed answers.

I had briefly wondered how this little boy came up with the idea of “killing everyone” in a nation. Then I realized that the “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is not even a live show. Like all talk shows, there are hundreds of people working behind-the-scenes. Each writer is responsible for writing monologue jokes and each usually has an assignment for a specific guest. The shows are recorded earlier in the day to allow enough time for necessary editing.

Now I know that the 6 year old may not understand what he was saying, but the adults behind the show must know what they were doing. Instead of asking “Should we allow someone to live?”, which should not even be a question to begin with, maybe we can ask the following questions instead: Should we allow adults to channel messages of mass murder and genocide through a 6 year old? Should we allow our children to consider, even for a second, killing people as a way to solve or escape from their problems? Should we allow a TV host to expose thousands of innocent young viewers to messages of violence and hatred? Should we allow a TV program to use race baiting to boost a show’s popularity? Should we allow our children to suffer from all the negative publicity, to be laughed at, to be emotionally traumatized, so that some adults can enjoy cheap and distasteful jokes?

Enough is enough! It is time to protect our children from malicious programs on TV. It is time to say no to the adults who attempted to mislead and use innocent kids for their own agenda. Every day we shower our children with love. How can we tolerate the people who purposefully delivered hate speech that have potentially counteracted all our efforts? Until ABC issues a formal protocol to make sure something in that vein never gets aired again, until the company lets go of all the people who lacks basic judgment and human decency, we are not viewing your program again. We are not

creating revenues for Disney and ABC, until you prove with your actions, that you really endorse the values your adorable cartoon characters represent.

toby a day ago

Should we allow adults to channel messages of mass murder and genocide through a 6 year old? Should we allow our children to consider, even for a second, killing people as a way to solve or escape from their problems? Should we allow a TV host to expose thousands of innocent young viewers to messages of violence and hatred? Should we allow a TV program to use race baiting to boost a show’s popularity? Should we allow our children to suffer from all the negative publicity, to be laughed at, to be emotionally traumatized, so that some adults can enjoy cheap and distasteful jokes?

Concerned Citizen a day ago

Substitute "Chinese" with gays, blacks or Jews and you will see the seriousness of the comment. Getting kids to say killing all gays, blacks or Jews would be a travesty.

Why is it appropriate for Asians then? Kimmel can go back to doing ching chong accents to finish the punch line.

Chen a day ago

I have changed the perception about CNN. Most of the medias do not list the details of the show, therefore misleading the readers.

"Kill everyone in China? OK, that's an interesting idea,"

"Should we allow the Chinese to live?"

For these people who feel that the Chinese community is overreacting. Please ask ABC to air another show by replacing Chinese with other races, such as "Jews", "Blacks" or "Muslims".

BTW, ABC is owned by Disney. Disney has a good reputation among the KIDS? Ironically, Disney starts to publicly encourage Kids to kill a race to solve a problem. Though Kids may not understand the meaning about debt, they certainly remember that "killing" is a solution to the problem. Remember they are 5, 6 years old, and they can learn the bad things from adults. If you don't want to see killings on campus, you have to raise your kids in a better manner.

yyyyyy a day ago

That is not a formal apology. In his so-called apology (the one he made in his show on Monday), Jimmy Kimmel didn't even mention his mistake (when the kid suggested the genocide, he said "That's an interesting idea.") nor did he mention who he had offended.

That is an unacceptable apology. A decent host should be responsible. Media has the responsibility to educate kids. He should have better judgement and if he is not qualified for that position, he should quit and give it to a more capable talk show host.

I don't care if he meant to hurt others. As long as he offended others, he should apologize sincerely, mentioning his mistakes, mentioning who he is apologizing to, and saying that he will never ever do it again!

And I would like to point out that this is a RECORDED show, not a LIVE one. Please google "interview molly head writer of jimmy kimmel live". If the kid replaced "everyone in China" with any group you belong to, like the rich, the poor, white, black, Hispanic, Jewish, the old, the young, or anything else, you will not feel entertained by his "joke".



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