I have ergo but never really used it

回答: ergo carrier vs baby bjorn.....退隐老妖2012-04-17 00:21:16

at first my baby is too small so she cries inside it. Then it gets too hot for our climate. We live in N.C. It has a hood which is totally useless and cumbersome unless you want to nurse in a grocery store or other public area. I got it as a gift from my cousin in China. It's kinda of  waste cuz you need another person's help to wear it and it has such a awkward size. We ended up using the Bob stroller instead of any similar product. Baby carrier turns out unnecessary in any stage of baby's growth. You can't get totally hands-free while using it for doing house chores. You can take your baby out for a walk with a stroller. Why bother buying it anyway?


你孩子还小呢,说这个早了点。。。。 -退隐老妖- 给 退隐老妖 发送悄悄话 退隐老妖 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/17/2012 postreply 15:28:41
