
来源: 2010-12-11 19:41:22 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1. what would any one think of this then:

"这才是真正的大浪淘沙啊,设备简陋的,被六耳一个浪头就冲得七零八散。made in Chnia 的, 还没等上就吓跑了,美国的,英国的,加拿大的,澳大利亚的,意法荷比卢的等等等等豁出去老命坚持,终于有几个挺得住的,得到了无价之宝——六耳质检合格 证,但拿了证以后早已精疲力竭,不堪一击,我可怜他们,给他们放了条生路。最后还是made in Germanny 的质量过硬,硬是把洪水猛兽给堵回去了,从此以后,堵洪水的,就剩下可怜的小毛同学一个人,他一撂挑子,我就傻眼。"

10 countries mentioned. (again, i'm not personally against the her sexuality preferences, it's her choice)

according to lanliuer team who mentioned that because 89MM said:


that 89MM "deserves" the attack, the logic goes......

2. ALSO, when lanliuer used harsh language or challenge people's morality bottom line, she is discribed as "率真", but if other people expressed their true ideas, the word changed to "辱骂".

3. lanliuer can "调侃", other people can't.

double standard again????