My BF and me are living together

来源: 2009-08-29 18:12:24 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
1. Depend on if you think. I don't care if we will be married, so I choose living together. If I am a kind of girl who eager to married, I may not want to move in. It is strategy.

2.Since house is mine, he pay me room rental which is lower than the apartment he used to rent.

3. We share all of the living cost. However, I don't want him share my mortage, interest.... since I want keep my house under my name. If we get married in the future, we will buy another house.

I am a girl with house, which is different from the guy with house. Not sure if it is correct if the guy doing the same thing.