online dating 破碎的圣诞节_:'(

来源: 2008-12-24 23:56:03 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

jan 是斯洛伐克人,30岁,193,瘦瘦高高,走遍世界各地好多地方,目前正在这里教书赚钱,好准备下一次旅行。12月2日他在网上遇见了haru.

Subject: smile :-)
Date: 02-Dec-2008
Dear Haru, , My name is Jan. I come from beautiful small country in Europe, I had lived in Canada so I also have Canadian citizenship. I know it will sound silly .....but there was something about your profile that made me write you right away. And write you differently.... I wish you could know me , I would like to tell you more about my background, more about my life, about my dreams and plans... And more than that, I would like to know more about you. Please, let me know , if I can.... YOu know, I have interesting life , but there is something missing there... maybe you can help me to find it. I know your are smart, if we could exchange some ideas , I would be very happy. I will hope to hear from you.I really will hope. If you don't think we have something we could share- I mean just thoughts for now - let me know anyway, please. I just have to know I tried what I could to get to know you. Thank you very much for reading my email. Mnay greeetings, jan.


Subject: just to answer you...
Date: 02-Dec-2008
Dear Haru, , I was very glad to talk to you - but I guess you could tell that :-) I think I behaved to funny. Well, I was happy. I want to answer your question about JC. I put my profile there somewhere in the end of August I think. But I didn't have any pictures and I didn't get any messages. So I almost forgot about it. But then someone send me interest and also I got new laptop from Canada, so I could put some pictures there. That was in the begining of October. Anyway, the way I met you - it is so beautiful. It was never like that. You know, I wrote you email and I was hoping to hear from you maybe tomorrow or so.... But then I could not resist to try to chat with you. So we did. And then you gave me your skype and I could TALK to you!!!! That was so nice!!! I hope we can know each other more, I really hope we could be friends :-) So let's sleep now. I will hope to hear from you soon again. Smile! Sincerely, jan.

haru观察了jan几天,发现他经常在线,不仅开始怀疑,但haru 很想继续交谈,便留言给他。
Subject: RE: :-)
Date: 05-Dec-2008
You wrote:
good evening. how are you today? i am good, you seems quite busy:) if you have the time, wanna chat with you. haru
Subject: RE: busy :-) ?
Date: 05-Dec-2008
How could I be busy ? Good evening to you. My colleague was here - other teacher, so I did not pay attention to computer. I will hope to talk to you soon . jan.


Subject: RE: Dear Haru
Date: 06-Dec-2008
It was very very beautiful to talk with you last night. I really enjoy knowing you more and more, step by step. Thank you for your time and company. i will look forward to talk to you again soon. Smile! jan

之后他们交换了email地址,jan 每天都发很多热情的信息

for Bunny with beautiful smile :-) from big turtle
Monday, December 08, 2008 7:15:42 PM
Dear Haru,
  , It was a long day for me, I just got home. Now shower, dinner, talk to my colleague upstairs about some stuff for work and then a bit of free time...
But first I would like to write you this email and send you many smiles. I also want to tell you , I am happy that you entered into my days and brought bright feeling into my heart. It makes me smile in my soul when I think about you :-)  It is a very nice feeling and I thank you for that.
I hope later on in the evening we can talk a bit.

PS: Only  9 days of work left to my vacation....

Dear Haru
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 8:19:32 PM
I am very sorry I did not write earlier. But Tuesday is the most difficult day for me. Plus I wanted to cook some special dinner after coming home late, so it all keeps me busy. But I hope I can finish it all up and then we could talk a bit before sleeping. It would be very nice. My condition is getting worse , so I have to take care of myself a bit. i am sending you many smiles!

haru 买了票打算给jan寄过去,jan却希望haru先去看他,并提出付车票和一切费用。后来Jan想付车费,但haru没有收。
haru妥协,并请了一天假,买了车票,去jan那里度过了愉快的3天。Jan在攒钱,但他仍旧没有让haru 负饭钱,遗憾的是,haru也从来没有提出要付钱。
jan和haru在音乐声中翩翩起舞。Jan拿出一条淡绿色的围巾,送给haru,但是haru 并不知道,送围巾对于斯洛伐克人是意义重大的一件事。

问是不是需要付饭钱,haru 做了此生最愚蠢的一件事,她收了jan的钱,她明明知道jan在攒钱,他并没有带很多钱过来。



haru I am sorry to make you sad. I am sad, too.i left you note at home

to my dearest jan please don’t go!!!!!!
jan i am sorry i cant make you happy. dont let me feel sorry for a life.
jan i know i am a silly woman, but the only thing i am sure  i need you.
jan merry chistmas
jan tell me how to do
jan I will wait till you come
jan it is cold don’t let me wait too long


Dear Haru,
I feel very sad about doing what I am going to do now. But I feel I have to do it. And maybe you could feel it ,too.
you are exceptional woman with many qualities. I hope you know that.Yet,there are differences between me and
you that could not be overcome. I know it. Because we tried. I dontfeel as bad as I did yesterday,but I know it would
not work. And since as it looks I will leave here in few months, it is maybe better to do it this way. I can not be
the man you want me to be.
haru, you made me very happy, you gave me bright days that I wont forget and I want to thank you for that.
yet, there were times when I felt very strange and made you feel the same way. So yesterday, maybe you will know why,
but it is just one part of it anyway- I decided to do what I would do now.
I hope things will go well for you and I am really sad that we both will spend christmas alone afterall
sincerely, jan

p.s. I am sorry about the scarf. But it was a bad idea anyway.
(jan把送给haru 的围巾拿走了)

i dont know if you would like to read my message, hope you can read it:-)‏
Dear Jan,
i am at home now. i read your note. thank you.
and i seemed not that cool when i got your message, sorry for that. now i am calm. although still sad.
you are an excepllent guy, maybe i should not dreamed that much. i dreamed go to
camp together with you, to be your strong woman. but obviously i havent the qualities
you want. and i feel sorry for that i am still a stupid woman dont know how to give love.
when you felt sad, i didnt give you a hug. i am selfish after all.

i dont know how to explain these days, i lost. again. the only one thing i know is i lost
i lost an excellent man, whom i respect and like. i will never see the beautiful face.
i will never walk along the beach with. i have no chance to go to camp with, poor but happy.
i have never think to give up, but you did is a very sad thing for me, and give up
one thing you dont want is not bad, please dont be sad.

sometimes i can feel your solitude, because the same in me. i thought i can make you
happy, but i didnt get the methods. i feel very sad for that. i cant give anyone happy.

i dont know where you are now, maybe on the train going back to your home now
merry christmas to you. and thank you for the happy days.

yours sincerely, haru


haru there are many men you can make happy just when you feel happy,
don’t forget to give back. And be careful about money …they can not buy happiness.j.

yes you like me just because I did many things to make you like me,
but you did nothing, many many little things you can do like a kiss, ponytail a breakfast
you just like man trait you as a queen, you want many but don’t give back
we are teamwork, in the morning,you just get up and make up and eat and go out
like an actress. You even didn’t ask me my plan and no breakfast!
I cant believe it! You eated breakfast at my place! ……
jan很不自在,最后haru问, is there any chance? Jan摇了摇头
_:'( _:'( _:'( _:'( _:'(