“the age of innocence” 里面喜欢的句子--读书笔记之二

来源: 2020-02-26 18:15:23 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

这本"the age of innocence"让我联想到的是《牡丹亭》。 都是”情不知从何而起, 一往而深“, 都是”良辰美景奈何天“的深深惆怅, 

如果说《牡丹亭》是对封建礼教的抗争, 那么我读出来"the age of innocence"则是对19世纪末期虚伪僵硬的纽约上层社会的Society and Class的抗争。 相似之处没有止步于此。 《牡丹亭》佳句迭起,而"the age of innocence"也是如此。 

1. 男主对表姐说: “Each time you happen to me all over again.” 
这真是我读到的最动听的情话之一。 这句话的背景是--男主为了不爱上表姐, 有很多挣扎,比如避开表姐,比如提早自己婚期, 可每次碰到,他就身不由己的被吸引。 


让我联想到“飘”里面白船长从监狱里出来去找斯佳丽,本来两人已在斯佳丽探监的时候翻脸,但这会儿白船长看到斯佳丽不仅跟妹夫结婚,还红红火火的在修她的作坊,白船长真正的爱意在这里开始。 如果说一开始白船长是被斯佳丽的美貌和叛逆所吸引,这个时候则是被她的百折不饶而折服。这也就是一种“you happen to me all over again”.

2. 男主跟表姐的一段对话,很精彩
男主: “I want - I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that -categories like that- won't exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.”

表姐: "Oh, my dear—where is that country? Have you ever been there? I know so many who've tried to find it; and, believe me, they all got out by mistake at wayside stations: at places like Boulogne, or Pisa, or Monte Carlo—and it wasn't at all different from the old world they'd left, but only rather smaller and dingier and more promiscuous."

男主曾经在花丛中流连过 (作者的表达很巧妙: "In the rotation of crops there was a recognised season for wild oats"),不同的是以前没有动过真心, 直到遇见表姐。 这让男主做出幼稚感性的表白。而表姐的回答很有见识, 难怪让男主倾心。 

3. 这个女作者对男主婚姻的解读: 
He had married (as most young men did) because he had met a perfectly charming girl at the moment when a series of rather aimless sentimental adventures were ending in premature disgust; and she had represented peace, stability, comradeship, and the steadying sense of an unescapable duty.

4. 结尾是30年后, 男主和儿子在巴黎。 儿子上楼去看女主, 他不去, 让儿子转告: ”Say I'm old-fashioned: that's enough.“
我很喜欢这个结尾。 与其让不再存在于同一个世界的情人刻舟求剑, 不如让更年轻心态更开放的版本2.0去见老情人。 而男主和表姐,就还是彼此把对方埋葬在心间吧。
作者前面这样解释了男主这30年是这样的 -- 这个女作者的文字太美!
"But Archer had found himself held fast by habit, by memories, by a sudden startled shrinking from new things. Now, as he reviewed his past, he saw into what a deep rut he had sunk. The worst of doing one's duty was that it apparently unfitted one for doing anything else."
