Dear Gia,

来源: 2019-11-14 11:38:31 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I've never talked to you online. However, I read every post of yours. I can't tell you how much your spiritual work have inspired and helped me reflect my own life and get out of those early childhood shackles. I remember in one of your essays, you talked about why you had to eat on time. How similar our feelings had been! Even though I had a different upbring experience from what you had, I learned from you that once I found out the deep hidden root cause, then I'l be free from years of struggle. I thank you for your courage to publish your experience and help others. You will be in my heart, forever. I pray that your next life is free of this life's struggles. Love.