
来源: 2019-09-09 05:44:28 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



中国日报 作者: 中国日报 09-06 



For an EasyJet plane full of people heading from Manchester, England, to Alicante, Spain, on Monday, that announcement was followed by something unexpected. To get everyone off the ground, a fellow passenger would fly the plane.

乘客米歇尔·波茨 (Michelle Potts)说,她到达机场后发现,这架航班将延误几个小时。但是航班信息突然更新,通知乘客航班已准备就绪,她立马赶往登机口。

Michelle Potts, who said she was on the flight, wrote on Facebook that she arrived at the airport to discover a delay of a couple of hours, then had to rush to the gate when she saw the information had changed and the flight was getting ready to take off.

她在自己的海外社交媒体账号上写道:“我去登机口时,问工作人员发生了什么。” 工作人员用一种很轻松的语气回答,“你们这架航班的飞行员不见了,但是一个乘客将会代替他开飞机。
"Get to boarding and asked the guy at the desk what's going on," she wrote. " He said, 'Oh, your pilot's gone missing, but a guy that's going on your flight is going to fly the plane.' REALLY CASUALLY!!!"

原来,这位“自告奋勇的乘客”迈克尔布拉德利(Michael Bradley),是一名正在度假途中的易捷航空飞行员。

The informality of his delivery was because the "guy" was Michael Bradley, an EasyJet pilot heading out for his own vacation.
"I'd very much like to go on holiday" said Bradley, according to the video posted on Facebook. "And if you need a favor, I'm standing here ready to go."


Bradley said his wife had told him early in the morning that the flight was delayed because the airline was short a pilot. It wasn't clear exactly how she knew those details; a spokesman for EasyJet said the airline publishes delay information on its website. The airline needed to bring in standby personnel Monday after delays were caused by a French air-traffic-control computer failure on Sunday, the spokesman said.


Bradley told passengers the flight would have been delayed two hours because of the amount of time it would take for a captain to get called up and respond to the airport. But before he went through security, he said he decided to see whether he could be of use; he was already there, after all.He said he called EasyJet and explained that he was "doing nothing" at the terminal and had his license and identification with him. (He was not in uniform, but none of the passengers seemed to mind.)


In less than a minute — 38 seconds, to beexact — his phone rang: "They phoned me back and said, 'Please, please, prettyplease with a big cherry on top, can you fly the airplane to Alicante?' "


A statement from EasyJet said the airline was "grateful" to one of its pilots who "volunteered to operate the flight" while he was on vacation. The substitution was "fully in line with regulations," according to the statement. He had been off the previous four days, was well rested and was allowed by law to fly, the airline said.