今天, 我已经裁员滚滚.

来源: 2009-01-27 15:06:27 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
早上,开车去上班的地方.一路上,听着自己录的音乐(五星红旗引风飘扬, 蓝色的多瑙河...),心情格外地舒畅.颇有一点小时候去野营拉练的味道.

九点整如约到老板的办公室. 正如我所预料的. 老板一幅有苦难言的样子告诉我说: 公司现在怎么怎么不行. 我礼貌地接过话说 "我想,如果我的意料没错的话, 你是要告诉我我被裁员了". 老版脸上露出尴尬,一幅苦大仇深的样子, 很无奈地点了点头.他说我可以慢慢整理我个人的东西. 也可以把公司里个人的数据考备起来带回家... 我平静地说, "其实, 我预感到这事. 从上星期五开始, 我就着手弄好了. 而且, 也许你看到了, 我已经把我的CUBIC弄得干干静静.我把所有的东西都帖上了纸条...".老板看我如此平静, 礼貌, 落落大方.表情顿时轻松自然不少. 我把我昨天准备好的信打印了一份给了他. 后来, 也不知道是言不由衷呢,还是发自内心,他毫不吝惜地大夸了一顿我的为人,工作能力.弄得我倒挺不好意思.

离开办公室, 回家的路上, 真有点象冲破枷锁的鸟儿. 我想, 过几天我去申请失业金, 然后我可以好好享受一段时间的清静日子. 细细品味生活.

走的时候, 把给同事的信寄出去. 下面是我的信, 和一些同事给我的回信.

From: ???
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 10:25 AM
To: ???
Cc: ???
Subject: Best Wishes To You

These difficult economic times have posed challenges to everyone, TI being no exception. Although being let go poses challenges to myself and my family, I fully understand the company’s concerns.

I have enjoyed working here these past thirteen years, and TI’s productive, friendly environment has really become a valuable experience to have in my life. The people and the teams I work with and see every day are always kind and helpful, and I will truly miss working alongside them.

I want to thank you all very much for your help and friendship for the last over thirteen years. Thank you for these good memories at TI, and I wish all my coworkers, friends here and the company the best.




If you need a reference please let me know.



Same to you - I am going to participate in the 2008 U.S. Voluntary Retirement Program. My last day will be February 6, 2009.



Sorry to hear this, Li. It's been great working with you.

Best of luck ... we'll all need it.


I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving. What a nice note that you wrote. You are a great person, extremely smart with the internet (among other things) and you will be missed.

Best of luck to you. I know that you will find another job that is a good fit for you. I will miss you on our team.



I am so sorry to hear that you were let go. We will miss you. You have helped Kim and I so much over the years with the reporting system and evaluation database. I don’t know what we’ll do without your support. ;-(

I have enjoyed working with you and wish you and your family well.

Take care,



I’m surprised, and sorry, to see you being let go. I realize that times are tough, but I’m very frustrated with our company for some of these changes. I don’t think the bottom-line of the company is saved anywhere near as much as claimed by management. And I feel for you, and the others that we’ll hear about that are in the same boat.

I wish you good luck in where ever this change takes you!

Take Care,



Thank you for these kind words. In these difficult times, remembering that I have had the chance to work with such friendly people is truly a gift. I know that I will miss the company, but mostly of all, I’m glad to have known you and all the other wonderful people on the TTO team. It has truly been a pleasure working with you, and I hope that I will be the only member of this team to be let go.

Thanks for everything.

