在任何情況下,機票上顯示的到達時間都不是著陸時間。 OP 不明白這一點,但仍然堅持賦予術語錯誤的含義。

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OP 對航空業 flight Block Time 術語沒有知識但仍然拒絕學習.  繼續堅持他對到達時間的誤解,That is, Arrival time on the ticket MEANS the end of Block Time, NOT touching down time.  然後 OP 懶得做最 Minimum 的谷歌搜尋學習術語正確含義

For the sake of the readers / education purpose -

這是  the definition of BLOCK TIME, from Quora



Block time, in the context of aviation, refers to the time that begins when an aircraft's brakes are released (block-out time) for departure from the departure gate or stand at an airport and ends when the brakes are applied (block-in time) upon arrival at the destination gate or stand.

Block time includes all the time spent taxiing to and from the runway, as well as any delays on the ground before departure or after landing. It is an important metric used in aviation for scheduling flights, calculating flight times, and determining aircraft utilization.

For airlines, block time is a key factor in determining operational efficiency, as it directly affects scheduling, fuel consumption, crew duty time, and overall flight planning. Airlines strive to minimize block times to optimize their operations and improve customer satisfaction by reducing overall travel time.





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