Impractical in North America market - not safe on freeway

来源: Lvtotravel 2007-01-06 23:01:15 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (758 bytes)
I would not even drive such car in city traffic. Matter of factly, a few days ago there was a fatal accident - a motocycle was drag-racing with another car, and the biker hit a Corolla coming out from a gas station. The Corolla was totaled - overturned and the driver was killed.

Being cute is one thing, staying alive after collision over-rides everything else.

It is necessary in Europe for several reasons:

just off the top of my head,

gasoline costs several times more than in NA

parking in European cities is near impossible

housing in European cities mostly in the form of multi-families - garage space is at a high premium

the cost of car ownership in Europe is much higher than in NA



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