
来源: 2020-03-24 12:06:01 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

他们已经买好6月底回国机票, 现在file I-130 和485 还有944 等到一起批下来可能要大几个月,恐怕也来不及。

-Even if they overstay in US, it will not affect their I-485 aprpoval, i.e. their illegal stay does not matter in their case because they are the immediate relatvies of you, a US citizen.

 我们是北京人, 能否在北京办理而不是广州呢?-No 还有, 能不能先交 130, 485 还有回美证, 然后之后补交 944 可以吗?-Probably no. USCIS requires that the applicant needs to provide all of the required documents at one time. 谢谢!!