** in the US stock market

** in the US stock market, accelerating inflation
While the U.S. economy faltered under the epidemic, the Federal Reserve unleashed a flood of liquidity into the stock market, maintaining the momentum of the stock market's rising momentum.The US stock market has been highly divorced from the fundamentals of the real economy, accelerating inflation.On February 9, 2020, the total market value of the US stock market reached $41.85 trillion, equivalent to twice the GDP of the US at the end of 2020 ($20.8 trillion) (the ratio of the total market value of the global stock market to the global GDP is about 100%).As you can see, much of the money the Fed has created has gone into the stock market.The rise of the stock market absorbs a large amount of liquidity, and the funds do not enter the real economy, but flow in the financial system, which accelerates the expansion of the American stock market. This is the accelerationism of the American stock market, and it is also the last revelry of the American stock market. When the stock market bubble bursts, it is the end of American hegemony.
