
来源: 2021-08-05 19:54:38 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
尊敬的八老师, 现在在准备申请公民,有一个关于过去五年的地址问题。 有一段时间租房子, 具体日期记不清楚了。 该如何填写呢。
-Check your bank/credit card statements or tax return/W2 during that period of time and either of these documents should have your address, and estimate a start date and a end date. Unless you moved to another city or state, it is a not big problem. Don't leave a gap between two addresses.
其间, 又换工作, 中间住了三个星期左右的酒店。 都记不住具体时间。 这个改如何填写呢?
-Include this period into your following new address