
来源: 2020-12-29 21:16:17 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我父母去年9月来美探亲,B2签证今年3月初过期。我今年2月帮他们申请B2延期,后来由于疫情,到7月底才打了指纹, 然后我父母于8月底回国了。大概11月多的时候又收到信,又让我父亲12月10号去打指纹,我当时还觉得奇怪,心想早就打过指纹了,而且人都回国了,就没管它。结果今天又收到信,说我父亲的延期申请被拒绝了,理由是7月底那次打的指纹不合格,让他12月10号再去打指纹,他没去。还说记录显示他8月底已经离境。说"you failed to appear for the scheduled biometric services appointment. Additionally, there is no evidence in the record to indicate that, prior to the appointment time, USCIS received a change of address or rescheduling request justifying your failure to appear. Therefore, your application is considered abandoned and USCIS denies your request"。 请问,我该怎么办?

-It is very normal. The denial will not affect anything because your parents left US duirng the extension case pending (i.e. before the case was denied). But your parents had better keep the I-539 Receipt Notice for the B2 extension filing, and also keep the air plane boarding card and the entry stamp into China in their passport. Then, bring these evidences with them in their future reentry to US. 

另外,我母亲的延期前几天批准了。他们同时7月底打指纹,结果我母亲指纹合格,我父亲的指纹不"satisfactory", 造成后面这一系列后果。