
来源: 2020-07-05 18:40:03 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

8老师, 想向您请教几个问题。 

(1) 我父母2019年十月递交的绿卡延期申请。绿卡上贴了2020十月到期的标签。但看现在形势,很大可能性在十月前拿不到新卡。 他们没有旅游的打算。在这种情况下,有没有必要在护照上弄 I-551 Stamp?

-Not need. YOu may call USCIS for the case status. Some people got the green card renewal approved in a few weeks. See:


(2) 他们的中国护照明年一月到期。旧金山领馆现关闭。 等他们一开我们就申请新护照。换了新护照是不是要通知美国移民局? 如果领馆明年春天再开,护照便也过期。 -Not need. The passport renewal is irrelevant to the green card. i.e. they don't have to have the passport to live in US because they have the green card.
