
来源: 2020-05-04 09:57:19 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

请教8老师: 我已退休,今年2月初和夫人持旅游签证来美探望女儿。现在我们想转换身份。我的收入达到联邦贫困线数倍。I-944 Part3 家庭收入 A 项下有5个选项,我属于哪一类?

-Select "No" to the question: "Did you or your household member(s), whose income is being included, file a tax return?" and then, check "Not required to file a tax return". Then, explain it in Part 9 of I-944 such as "I am a Chinese citizen and I was living in China for entire year of 2019".
