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8老师,万分感谢您多次热心指点迷津。我这又遇到麻烦了。母亲五个月前B2来美,正要帮她网上申请延期,可是发现  i94 No record found for traveler, 但是View Travel History却能显示她的准确入境时间。请问这可如何是好?是否可以通过打印表格申请,这项空缺?现在再申请i102也来不及了。万分感谢!

-Go to the local CBP Deferred Inspection Office to ask them to update her new entry information including generating the I-94. Then, print out the I-94 for b2 extension filing. Find the local CBP office at this link:

By the way, any CBP Deferred Inspection Office can handle this issue for you. So, just choose one close to your home or convenient to you.

You may call CBP Deferred Office first to see whether they can fix it for you. If yes, you don't need to go there.



8老师,您真是天下少有的大好人啊! -freesia99- 给 freesia99 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2020 postreply 16:55:26

8老师,按照您的指点,打电话更新了i94, 系统没更新的原因大概是因为换发了新护照。万分感谢您指点的准确信息! -freesia99- 给 freesia99 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/23/2020 postreply 15:58:02
