
来源: 863211 2019-09-22 07:50:43 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3039 bytes)

到时候就要受制于新规。我查了政府网站,以后要综合考察,他们三口人,小孩10岁,基本上没有任何优势,没有文凭,收入很低,又没有资产,很让人担心。新规提到,If the alien's household income is less than 125 percent of the FPG, DHS will generally consider whether the alien has assets and resources is at least five times the difference between the household income and 125 percent of the FPG based on the household size. 虽然不是强行规定一定要资产达标,但这是唯一可能做点什么的地方。但是因为费用比较高,不知道值不值得做。

-You worry too much. As long as you have enough money to support them, it will be fine. Also, your borther and his wife are still young and they can work after they immigrate to US.

另外,还提到public charge bond 的事,不知道这个怎么执行。


当然现在因为还没执行,很多只能猜测。不知道执行以后有没有什么地方可以了解亲属移民签证的情况,比如拒拒签率是否上升,有多少需要执行Bond,以及bond 的一般金额。


如果真是这样,就太好了!再次感谢8老师! -baby_baby- 给 baby_baby 发送悄悄话 baby_baby 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2019 postreply 09:17:23
