来源: 2019-08-07 19:30:30 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1.关于I-130表中父母现有职业:“Provide the beneficiary's current employment information (if applicable), even if they are employed outside of the United States.  If the beneficiary is currently unemployed, type or print "Unemployed" in Item Number 51.a.” 父母退休,是填写"Unemployed 还是 retired? 还是都可以?

-- Unemployed. You could explain at Part 9 - Retired on XX/XX/XXXX

2. 父母移民是否要求petitioner 的 physical address 必须和父母移民后的州和城市一致?由于工作原因离家在外州工作一年,但父母移民后不会到我的暂时驻地而是到长期的住址,这种情况会影响绿卡申请吗?是否需要等我一年结束回家后才能给父母申请呢?不好意思问题多多! 大大谢过先!

-- No. Addresses can be different.