
来源: 2019-07-29 05:28:25 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

朋友刚刚拿到公民纸, 她爸妈还在国内, 她想给他们办绿卡。 他们今年年底会来美国探亲,然后呆三个月, 他们现在都是10 年美国旅游签证, 朋友怕给他们办理移民会不会影响他们用B1 来美国? 还是等他们回中国以后再办? 什么时候办比较好呢?? 想尽快办理, 谢谢

-She had better not file I-130 for their parents before they visit US> Otherwise, they may have trouble to enter US due to immigtrant intent. Her parents can apply for green card within US about three months later after they enter US using B2 visa.