
来源: 2019-02-12 21:54:04 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

给母亲办移民,她在国内。Affidavit of Support及相关文件已经提交,现在on-line填DS-260,发现问题如下:

1 母亲的护照(十年)将于2019年7月底实效,已经通知她去更新,不知道国内现在是给旧护照延期(保留护照号码)还是换发新护照(给新护照号码)。我能不能用现在的护照信息(有效期不足6个月)填写DS-260,去广州面试的时候把新旧护照都带上?

-It works.


2 16岁以后居住地址,城市变迁,很多地址已经不存在了。估计填一下可以吗?-Fine.  无犯罪证明会让每个居住地都出吗?-Not need. Just provide the one from the local police department in her current residence area, and that is enough.

3 现在网上Civil Documents还是N/A,是交了DS-260就要提交,还是DOS先处理然后会通知提交Civil Documents?如果交了DS-260就要提交,那马上就要通知国内办理。

-Provide what NVC asked. Read the NVC instructions sent to you. Bring the original documents (原件) to the US Consulate for the interview.

4 我还有个妹妹在国内,也给她递交了移民申请,但排期长最后也未必来。DS-260上问“Is this child immigrating to the a later date to join you?" 应该选”No“吧。

-Correct, say "No" because your mother's case is irrelevant to your sister's.