
来源: 2019-02-03 13:24:57 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Security and Background: Medical and Health Information的部分有个疫苗的问题

Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S. law?                              

Yes or No.

如果选了no, 就会跳出来一个框要解释。

我是应该选yes 还是no呢?我父母七十多了,在国内应该就是小时候被要求打什么就打过什么,不清楚他们有没有记录,这个情况怎么回答这个问题啊?

-Say "Yes" because your parents will be required to conduct the physical exam including vaccinations before they are interviewed for the visa.

Are you a member of or affiliated with the Communist or other totalitarian party?                            

我爸是共产党员,那是不是就得回答yes. 然后就被要求解释,那如果yes的话,要解释啥呀?
-Correct. He needs to write a statement addressing when and why he joined the Party (e.g. employment, promotion, etc.), what kidn of actitivies he participated in the Party (e.g. routine Party Group activities/meetings, membership fee payment, etc.), and when he quitted the Party (if any), etc.
填yes的话会影响immigration visa 申请嘛?-Normally no, but need to explain it clearly in the statement.


表的最后有个问题Do you want the Social Security Administration to issue a Social Security number and a card?                                

-If say "Yes",  the SSN card will be sent to your address after they enter US. Otherwise, if say "No", they may just go to the local SSA office to apply for the SSN after the enter US.
