
回答: 再次请教尊敬的8老师Rank2016-02-27 06:55:04

尊敬的8老师:根据您的指教,我的亲友昨天在网上缴纳了USCIS Immigrant Visa fee ( $165.00 ).她想知道现在交费是否太晚?会影响她收到绿卡吗?

-No. Contact USCIS if she does not receive the green card in about 5 weeks from now on.


06/25/2015 Got Immigrant Visa at USA consulate ( didn't pay USCIS Immigrant Visa Fee until 02/26/2016 )

11/13/2015 Arrived in USA without biometrics taten

02/2016   Paid $165.00 USCIS Immigrant Visa Fee online according to instruction by 8老师

Thank you so much !



谢谢8老师!但入境时她好像没有打指模?是否要通知再打指模?您的指教和点拨非常有帮助,跪谢了! -Rank- 给 Rank 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2016 postreply 07:40:55

No. -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (139 bytes) () 02/27/2016 postreply 08:18:41

非常感谢8老师的帮助! -Rank- 给 Rank 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2016 postreply 09:09:04
