
来源: 2015-04-20 09:51:41 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我也知道案子已经赚到移民局等候才会有了case no.

问题是国内的亲属咨询国内律师办事处, 他们说申请儿童保护法要有批准日和当初收据号码, 这两个我没确切的。
-You just file the visa application documents for the child together with the parents to NVC when the PD is current, then NVC will check the child's application at that time to see whether the child is age-out or not, and if not age-out, they will process the case, and send the documents to the US Consulate in Guangzhou. If age-out, they will inform you and you can argue it if you think the child is not age-out. So, nothing for you to worry about, and not need a lawyer involved in this stage unless you argue the NVC decision.

By the way, if you want to consult a lawyer, you had better find an immigration lawyer in US, not 国内律师办事处 who has no much experience and may just want more money.

 我压力很大, 国内亲属口气像我给他们耽误了什么似的。
-If you want the duplicate of  I-130 approval notice, you may file I-824, and it may take several months.