8老师谢谢, some more questions, 请进.

来源: 2015-02-24 10:05:01 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1. 您看现在EB2排期近期会不会继续加快, 我们排到(2011年6月)的可能性有多大. 您不用负任何责任, 就凭您的经验猜猜看. 我只想有个参考. 我当然会两手准备, 并再观望至少一个月左右吧.

2. 如果我太太在她的EB2 I485递交后180天之前换工作(当然还在她这一行), 是不是意味着她的I485立刻作废, 请问有无任何办法补救(转NIW)?

3. 万一我太太I485递交后因换工作作废的话, 是否对我的EB1A申请(同时进行或后来再申请)有影响?

4. 象我这种有arrest record的情况, I485 DIY的package是必需向律师买, 还是从网站直接下载就行, 是否需要什么特殊表格说明情况. 不管怎么样(无论雇不雇律师), 我想先自己准备起来, 表先自己填填, 疫苗什么的没打的先打掉. 这样如果顺利排到的话, 立刻就可以递交了.

5. 我的criminal defense attorney在给我的信写明: 如被问到

a. Have you ever been charged or convicted of a criminal offense? My answer is clearly NO.

b. Are any charges pending? My answer is still NO because no charges have been formally filed, nor does the DA Office plan to file charges if I complete the pre-charging deferred prosecution program.

c. Have you ever been arrested? My answer is that I have been arrested but that charges were not filed. He does not believe I am under any obligation to provide additional information about my participation in the deferred prosecution program unless I feel it is necessary.

这样的话, 我在递交I485时是否有必要立刻附上所有关于我案子的文件(以避免以后的延迟但可能招致移民官不必要的关注), 还是按上述答案简单如实回答问题但不涉及过多细节(等移民官有疑问时再补充)?

6. I485有无可能像I140一样多交钱加速办理?

非常感谢您的回答, 祝羊年快乐!