
回答: 请问8老师 有关F-1, OPT问题南方小草2015-01-14 14:55:42

8老师, 您好,

我小儿子的大学每一年有三个学期, Fall / Winter / Spring.

He completed his freshman on campus, and now is a sophomore.
He is planning to stay on the campus and study during his sophomore summer term, take the junior fall term off to intern using OPT, and return to his college to study for winter and spring terms, then intern again in his junior summer.

After first time using OPT during his junior fall, he will only study 6 mouths instead of 9 months during the academic year.

My questions are:

1. Will his F-1 visa be cancelled? 
-See the following explanation.

2. Will he be eligible to gain OPT second time for his junior summer intern?
-Yes. Talk to his school International Student Office and they will help him. The principle is that he has to register as a full-time student for at least 9 months each academic year to maintain his F-1 status, and that means he only can work at a full-time pre-completion OPT off-campus for 3 month each year (total 12 months during his entire F-1 study). Of course he also can apply for part-time pre-completion OPT to work any time during the academic year. The period of his pre-completion OPT will be deduced from his available post-completion OPT. 

Another choice is that he may try to see whether he can apply for CPT (talk to his advisor/professor and International Student office).



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