I-864, I-485 及 I-765问题请教8老师及皮匠等各位大侠。欢迎任何回答。


我配偶为绿卡持有者,我为H1B持有者。我同时进行了基于工作的EB2与基于绿卡申请配偶的F2A两份绿卡申请,递交的I-130F2A)与I-140EB2)均approved,但都正在等排期。现在我配偶为我申请的亲属F2A绿卡(I-130)下个月即将到排期,我们准备自己递交I-485等材料,但在填写I-864, I-485I-765表格中遇下以下问题。


A. 有关I-864Rev. 03/22/13, Expires 03/31/2015 的问题。

1)      由于我配偶没有工作,因此几乎没有收入,但三年来我们都是联合报税,因此,我准备用我自己的收入来Sponsor 我自己,但是不是也要以由我配偶的来填I-864,然后以家庭成员的身份来计算我的收入来sponsor我自己?

2)      基于1)我配偶提交I-864,以家庭成员的身份来计算我的收入,I-864中的“Part I. Basic for Filling Affidavit of Support”是否就应该选“1.a. I am the petitioner. I filed or am filing for the immigration of my relative

3)      由于只有我自己要提交I-485(没有其它家属),I-864的“Part 3. Information on the Immigrant(s) You Are Sponsoring”的“1. I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2”是否就应该选“Yes”,然后其它留空,只在第7项的“Enter the total number of immigrants you are sponsoring on this form from Items 1 through 6”中填“1”?

4)      I-864的“Part 5. Sponsor’s Household Size”的“Persons you are sponsoring in this affidavit: 1. Enter the number you entered on line 7 of Part3.”是否必须秒抄写上面的数字“1”?

5)      下面矛盾出来了。I-864的“Part 5. Sponsor’s Household Size”的“Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit: 3. If you are currently married, enter “1” for your spouse”按理说应该填“1”。但由于本项专门用大写通知“Your Household Size – DO NOT COUNT ANYONE TWICE ”,如果填“1”,我(spouse)就被重复统计了,下面“8. Add together lines 1-7 and enter number there. Household size:”就会多1人!更何况,从排版来看,Part 5Item#3是归在 Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit”之下,但spouse(我)显然属于被sponsored的惟一人选,此项该如何填?难道不理会“If you are currently married, enter “1” for your spouse”而直接填“0”?

6)      I-864的“Part 6. Sponsor’s Income and Empolyment”中的Item 69,从排版上来看,应该属于“Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size, including, in certain conditions, the intending immigrant…”即除去申请兼sponsor(我配偶)以外的其它人。但在I-864Instruction5页最后几行却说:“Take your annual individual income from Item Number 5, and enter it on Item Number 6.c. If this amount is greater than 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for you household size from Part 5., Item Number 8., you do not need to include any household member’s income.”从Instruction来看,Item#6.c 又应该复制Item#5中的“5. My current individual annual income is”(已填了我配偶的年收入,只有几千,远不够),这于上面相矛盾!对于我配偶的年收入不够的情况,Item#6.c还应该复制Item#5中的数字吗?

7)      另外一个更大的矛盾又来了。I-864Instruction不再提Part6, Item#6.c的事,开始说明如何填Part6, Item#7~10I-864Instruction原文为“To determine the filing requirements for you relatives included in Part 6, Item Number 7.~10., follow these instruction: b. If you included the income of the intending immigrant who is your spouse (he or she would be counted on Item number 7, of Part 5.)….”,但Part 5, Item#7却讲的是sponsor的“siblings, parents, or adult children”与spouse没有任何关系!更何况,从排版来看,Part 5Item #7是归在 Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit”之下。而“the intending immigrant who is your spouse”显然应该属于“Persons you are sponsoring in this affidavit”,即已经包含在了Part 5, Item#1之内了。这到底该如何填写?我H1B的收入应该填在Item#7.c还是Item#6.c?

8)      I-864的要求,支持材料中至少包含最近一个的税表与所有W21099表,是否意味着要银行及股票等所有的1099表都要复制后寄过去?


B. 有关I-485Rev. 01/18/11, Expires 01/31/13)的问题。

9)      1.Part 1. Information About You 中的“A#(if any)”问题。在我们接到的“I-797,Notice of Action” for I-130上没有任何与我的A#有关的信息。但在我们接到的另一份“I-797,Notice of Action” for I-140上有“BENEFICIARY Annn nnn nnn”字样,字母“A”后共9个数字,每3个为一组,组间用空格隔开,这个是否就是“A#”,这个I-140 approve notice上的“Annn nnn nnn”要填到为I-130而填的I-485上吗?

10)   Part 2. Applicvation Type”,基于我们的情况(F2A I-130到排期),是否应该选“a.”(I am applying fro an adjustment to permanent residents status because: An immigrant petition giving me an immediately available immigrant visa number that has been approved.”

11)  “Part 3. Processing Information”中的“In what status did you last enter?”中,我是否可填“J1 Exchange Visitor(我自从以J1身份入美国境后从未离开过美国,中间申请了2年回国服务的Waiver后又转成现在的H1B),或只填“J1 or Exchange Visitor

12)  由于我曾经为J1身份并Waiver了回国服务2年的限制,是否必须附上每次的2019表,Wavier批准通知及H1B批准及延期通知,以证明我的身份一直合法,没有Gap

13)  Part 3. Processing Information”中的“Current Occupation”是否必须与我递交I-140中材料中所写的完全一致,尽管这个I-485申请是为不I-130, 而是为I-140,但我想移民局可能会调查所有我递给他们的材料。


C. 有关I-765Rev. 08/15/12, Expires 02/28/2013)的问题。

14)  “I am applying for:”是否应该不选?因为它好象列在了“Do not write in this block”大项内。但从内容上看,又应该选上。如果应该选,以我的情况,应该选哪个?第一项“Permission to accept employment”吗?

15)  第“5. Place of Birth(Town or City)  (State/Province)”中,对于中国大陆过来的,“State/Proince”是只填  “xx省”还是要填 xx/xx省”?

16)  第“14. Manner of Last Entry”中,是填“J1 Exchange Visitor或“J1 or Exchange Visitor

17)  15. Current Immigration Status”,是填“H1B Temporary Worker”或“H1B”或“Temporary Worker


