Thanks a lot for your quick reply! Lets suppose that by the time I become eligible for N400 (March 2013), my I-751 case is still pending; but right after my N400 package sent out, I receive an RFE for the I-751 case. What shall I do then? Does this impact the N400 approval process? Another scenario could be that i receive an RFE between now and March 2013 for the I-751 case, do you suggest I respond to USCIS with additional documentations and wait for a final result before the N400 process, or proceed with N400 anyway even before a final I-751 decision is reached?
感谢您的回复,我已经给本地区congressman发了邮件并讲述了事情经过。只是感觉非常奇怪,根据网上的一些论 坛,80%的佛蒙特3月份I-751案例已经批复,甚至有一部分4月份的案例也已经被批复。我是3月初提交的申请,为什么至今没有任何的消息?也没有说批 准,也没有收到RFE,有一种石沉大海的感觉。
-Immigration always is case by case. So, it is very normal in your case. I know some I-751 cases which took a few years to be approved.
不知道老师以前有没有碰到过类似的情况,真的是心急如焚。我听说由于佛蒙特有大量囤积案件,有一部分案件被转到了加州办公室或者local office,根据我与tier 2 officer的通话,我的case仍然在佛蒙特pending。