
来源: 863211 2012-05-06 08:40:18 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1787 bytes)
回答: 关于亲属移民I-130的优先日期转换Koowloon2012-05-05 23:15:49

本人为在美国的H1B,由于种种原因无法通过公司提出EB绿卡申请,一年半以前父母通过其他子女取得绿卡后为我递交了I-130亲属移民申请,主申请人是父亲,现在还没有批准。现在他们都已经入籍,如果考虑将案件从FB-2B转为FB-1并Carry Over之前的优先日期,需要如何操作?是等之前的I-130批准以后,以现在公民的身份再提交一份I-130,在I-130首页上注明"Case for Priority Date Carry Over"并附上已批准的I-130吗?

-Your father can write a letter to the USCIS service center where the I-130 is located to request the I-130 be upgraded. Enclosed the copy of his US citizenship certificate and the I-130 receipt or approval notice.

 Another choice is: do nothing because the upgrade will be done automatically and then, you just file your I-485 when the your priority date becomes current based on FB-1 category by providing the I-130 receipt/approval notice and your father US citizenship certificate (equal to I-130 upgrade and I-485 filing at the same time). 

看到很多案例因标注不清申请被退回,具体该如何标注呢?另外,这第二份申请还是要再交一遍申请费的吧。还有就是如果Carry Over成功的话那么收到的Receipt上标的就是上一份I-130的优先日期了吧?

另外还有一个棘手的问题,我的父亲目前查出患有癌症,为避免申请过程中出现意外,第二次可以由我的母亲为我提出申请并Carry Over以前已批准的由父亲为我提出的I-130的优先日期吗?

-No. The two I-130s are irrelevant each other. If your father passes away, the I-130 (he sponsored) automcatically is revoked. However, if your father passes away after the I-130 is approved, you might still reinstate this I-130 by finding a "subsititue sponsor". This is a nother subject and I do not want to discuss here.



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