两年半前来探亲的母亲去加拿大旅游,护照丢失,被迫延期。后虽补了护照和I-94. 因担心今后签证困难,延期过后,仍逾期居留近两年。
-Not need to explain it because it is irrelevant to your mother's green card application (Don't think the IO will not ask this question).
两年半前来探亲的母亲去加拿大旅游,护照丢失,被迫延期。后虽补了护照和I-94. 因担心今后签证困难,延期过后,仍逾期居留近两年。
-Not need to explain it because it is irrelevant to your mother's green card application (Don't think the IO will not ask this question).
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