回复:Would you tell us how did you file the service req? Thanks

回答: GREEN!jin,jin2010-08-04 11:08:32

Also try this:

Call Customer Service
1) Call Customer Service: 1 800 375 5283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1 800 375 5283 end_of_the_skype_highlighting;
2) Continue in English, hit 1;
3) To check the status, hit 2;
4) Know your receipt number, hit 1;
5) Enter Receipt number;
6) Confirm Receipt Number, hit 1;
7) You will now hear the status of your case. At this point, hit 3 to "
Report a problem". You will hear 4 options. Option # 3 is "If your case is
outside the processing time..." and # 4 is for "If you have filed several
cases and haven’t received a decision on...." You may pick # 3. Previously
there was a trick to hit # 4 and you would be connected to an IO, but I didn
’t have such luck.
