

I-130 Form:
1) Part B: 14b: Did you gain permanent resident status through marriage to U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident?

如果我不回答Question14:if you are lawful permanent resident alien, 我是否也应不回答14b?

2) Part C question 22:
Complete the information below if your relative is in the united states and will apply for adjustment of status.
如果我父母现在芝加哥。 我是否应在左栏填写 Chicago, IL.
右边 “if your relative is not eligible for adjustment of status, he or she will apply for a visa abroad at the American consular post in”. 空白?

I-485 Forms
Part 3 A “Were you inspected by a U.S immigration officer? ”
如果父母是合法入境, 我是否应填写“Yes”?
Part 3 B 在父亲I-485表格,填写母亲信息时,是否应在 “applying with you?”选项中填“No”?

Form 325 A
This form is submitted in connection with an application for
Naturalization Other( Specify) Status as Permanent Resident
我是否应选“Status as Permanent Resident“?

恳请各位热心大侠帮忙解答。 多谢了!

